Counselling, Yoga, and Retreats

Counselling for Eating Disorders in Coburg
Recovery, one drop / one step at a time.

Rachael is a counsellor (registered with PACFA) and social worker with over 4 years experience (from 2019) in working with people impacted by eating disorders/disordered eating (through her work at Eating Disorders Victoria) and is passionate about supporting both individuals with eating disorders and their supports.
Rachael has training in CBT-E and SSCM, both evidenced based models for the treatment of eating disorders, and is accreditated by the Australian and New Zealand Academy for Eating Disorders (ANZAED). Rachael also utilises other therapetuic models and tools including acceptance and committment therapy, mindfulness, relaxation, somatic and nature based therapies.
Rachael works with people of age 16 and over impacted by eating disorders, weight and shape concerns and body image issues.
Support for Eating Disorder recovery is offered by a multi-disclinplinary team including a GP, dietician and counsellor / psychologist, ideally all trained in working with people with eating disorders. Rachael will collaborate with your other supports including your GP and dietician, if you have one. Where possible support from family and loved ones can also support the recovery journey, Rachael offers both sessions with other family / supports as well as communication with supports on your terms. Please note for people with a restrictive and / or purging type of eating disorder regular GP appointments are required for you to participate in counselling.
Values / approach
Rachael works from a holistic philosophy and believes in a weight neutral, non dieting approach to recovery from an eating disorder. Together we will decide what our work together looks like, this will always include elements of physical recovery, where medically indicated, alongside other elements which may include exploring behaviours, thoughts, coping strategies and recoverying a sense of self.

Making an appointment
To find out more, speak with Rachael or make an appointment please complete the New Client form on this page and Rachael will be in touch with you.